Monday, March 25, 2024

Everyone's got a lot going on ...

I think about this saying a LOT lately. We understand that everyone has a lot going on in their personal lives and sometimes it's hard to help others. I also am a firm believer that you can make time for those that matter. I'm just going to say this, I am at max capacity. I am helping others as best as I can present and afar, and I am exhausted/overwhelmed. 

Has anyone else felt maxed out? 

I think some rational thinking would help.

Weight loss/Health. I have been overweight, obese, just right, etc my whole life. Weight fluctuates, it doesn't define you. I am proud of people that lose weight but I am triggered by certain statements. "I haven't eaten anything today" " I don't need to eat that much" "I'm never really that hungry" " I can lose 20 pounds in a month" Let's simmer down people. Starving yourself isn't weight loss, it's an eating disorder. That is very triggering for me. You can intermediate fast and eat during a time window a day, totally understand that. But not eating is not weight loss. You, my friend, are losing muscles and when you get older you will wish you had muscles instead of just bones. The best way to lose weight is to get a balanced diet in a calorie deficit. Sprinkle in some exercise, a consistent sleep schedule, cut out some sweets here and there and BAM you will feel amazing in a week. Don't forget that water intake! If you aren't worried about your health then that's a problem. Food is fuel, food is healthy, and weight loss happens when you start to care for your body. The number on the scale doesn't dictate how healthy you are. In November of 2023, I ran a marathon and I was 25 pounds heavier than I am now. Weight DOES NOT define you. Not eating will/can ruin you, I have seen it happen. 

The Deceased. This thought was sparked through reading Romans 6:5-14 "because anyone who has died has been set free from sin". I gave you all the spark notes version there but if we live with Christ and die with Christ we have that path to forgiveness. I read this with my husband and we instantly thought of Luke, his son who passed. The decisions he made or choices he made are not to be judged because he is free from sin. Sadly, people still speak ill of the dead. Let's not channel our energy toward people that don't have the option to change their life. It isn't fair and quite frankly it hurts more than helps. Let's make good choices in honor of those who can't. 

College/School/Career. I have worked in a male-dominated field for most of my adult life. I have a bachelor's degree, this degree doesn't make me better than anyone else. I wanted to go to college; I had a passion for it. I loved school and I loved learning. If that isn't you then that is OKAY. Please don't put yourself in debt for something you don't want in life. My brother is an electrician and is very successful. If you don't have a passion for college then don't do it. I am not a "girl boss" because I work in construction. I am a woman with a job.

Finding the love of your life. I will keep this short and simple. In the words of my mom, "This will happen when you least expect it". Forcing this is a recipe for disaster. 

Asking for help We were not made to go through life alone. Ask for help when you need it. I have been to therapy and reached out to work professionals, old colleagues, college friends, and siblings. There is no weakness in asking for help. Most importantly if you are a believer in faith, lean in! Through my 40 days of bible study, I have strengthened my relationship with god. During this time of being maxed out, I have allowed myself room still for my faith. 

Me.  I'm tired and sad. Yes, my dad "made it a year longer than we thought". But my dad is not really himself anymore. He has changed and the dynamic in my family has changed. Between all that I juggle a lot of other balls. I deal with hatred from people that don't even know me.

At the end of the day, I just want some grace. At the end of the day, I just want to breathe. Sometimes at the end of the day, I want to be left alone.

Everyone's got a lot going on, reach out to a person you haven't in a while. Ask them how they are doing, and if you have the capacity offer some help. At the end of the day you have one life you have to make the best of it. That includes doing what makes you happy, keeping your body healthy (so who knows someday you can run around with your kids, or go on walks with your dogs), and helping others when you can. 

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