Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Can you take me higher ...

 I don't know why Creed has been stuck in my head lately (this song came out in 1999) but there you go...

I missed the first month of the year blogging because I spent a week in Thailand. People asked me what was my favorite part of Thailand: the food? the 93-degree weather? the blue ocean water? 

No, I would answer it was actually the people. A welcoming country with humble people. In the US we are asked to tip after we get a $7 Starby's drink. In Thailand, you can give a tip worth (USD 1) and people look at you like you've changed their life. The main difference is they earned that tip. They treated you with respect, and love, welcomed you, and had the best hospitality I have ever seen. 

It really put people into perspective for me. You know how you watch those Instagram reels "if he wanted to he would" and "if she wanted to she would" when talking about a spouse/friend/coworker doing something for you because they just care. In the US that seems unheard of, while in Thailand people do kind things for you because they are humble people. 

This also kickstarted documentaries and a rabbit hole for me. I started watching that Netflix documentary (the one with the twins) on food and how in 8 weeks you can really improve your health. The documentary didn't make me a vegan but it sparked my need to want to grow my own food. It validated that we buy our pork and beef from a known farmer. It validated my desire to want to raise chickens. 

Why is food so important to me? Well, you see every February my stomach gets in a knot. My husband and I decided to get married in February and before you laugh I don't get nervous for my anniversary. The same week of our wedding anniversary Josh goes in for his annual colon cancer check-up. We are in good spirits for that because his physical this week concluded that in less than a year he has lost 14lbs and has lowered his cholesterol without the need for medication. Our food choices matter! 

I am in the mindset of quality over quantity. I used to think in my teens and 20's I needed a designer bag or expensive kicks or $80 lotions. In the last year, I have sold all my designer stuff and cleaned the clutter. I would rather be rich in experiences, health, homegrown foods, and kindness. I am not going to lie with coupons I saved $20 at Dollar General last week, buying toilet paper and paper towels. I felt like a champion. It's the little things. I also got a library card and felt like a badass, you can rent books on your Kindle?! 

I try to look out for others and pay it forward when I can. I take into account people are busy and they have their own lives going on. I don't understand the culture of ghosting or not getting back to someone. I don't understand continuously talking poorly about people and then expecting them to be excited to see you and welcome them with open arms. I do understand that people need validation and clarity. We need to know when we've done something wrong or made someone upset. This is how we grow as people. We also reserve the right to make it better or apologize, we may not be forgiven but let's get the chance to make it right. 

So my line for 2024 is: let's be humble. 

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